May 14, 2021

Letter from Pastor Riley - ReOpening GVC

Dear Church Family:

It is a fantastic day in our world! With yesterday’s news from the CDC and the state of Connecticut, many of you are undoubtedly walking around maskless asking for the first time in more than a year, “Do I have anything in my teeth?!” 

Now that we have final guidance from the state, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know exactly what you can expect as GVC “opens up” fully. Beginning on May 23rd the church will largely be “business as usual,” though we really haven’t had a usual in this facility yet. We still do not have a full Certificate of Occupancy, so our kids’ classes will not be resuming until that happens. We are working toward a nursery for birth to 3-year-olds, but that’s still several weeks out as well. 

Per the state guidelines, social distancing is largely being eliminated. As you come into the worship center you’ll see 200 or so chairs laid out in rows/pews–for the first time in this facility! However, we do know that there are a few folks in our body who are still a little uncomfortable with fewer restrictions– you might be dealing with an immunocompromised situation, a respiratory disease, etc. That’s why our executive team has decided that the two back sections on each side will remain socially distanced. The rows will be 6 feet back-to-back as opposed to 3 feet in the rest of the room. This allows you the opportunity to have a seat in worship where you feel safe. Concerning aerosols and droplets when singing, I want you to know that our facility has always been safe: our air unit on the roof has a fresh-air intake. Every time the heat or air comes on, fresh air is being pumped into the room and the current air is being ventilated.

Also, per state and CDC guidelines, masks are no longer required. Our hope moving forward is that GVC becomes a place of worship and prayer, not a place of division. Our aim is to foster a culture of respect for and service to one another in gospel love, while simultaneously respecting personal decisions in this area. We pray that as you make choices for your own personal health that God would give you wisdom and deep love for one another.

As we ease the in-person protocols, I want to encourage each of you to take whatever steps you feel are best for you and your family. We want to maintain a sensitivity to those who are in high-risk categories and are especially vulnerable as COVID-19 remains a part of our lives for the foreseeable future. For those who are able but have not yet returned to body life in person, I want to urge you to join us on Sundays and connect to a small group. No matter what you choose regarding masks and distancing, you are a needed part of the body at GVC. We have been working hard to make sure you’re safe to return to church. We can’t wait to see you!

This is truly a great day and it’s cause for celebration. I am rejoicing that we’re finally toward the back end of this crazy pandemic. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly.

You are loved. 

Pastor Riley

AUGUST 20, 2020

What to Expect on Sunday Mornings (Covid Procedures)

When it comes to your safety in gathering with the Church on Sunday mornings, we are making an effort to protect you, honor our government officials, and be as practical and sustainable as we can. Here’s what you can expect if you choose to worship with us in person at GVC:

MASKS: We ask you to wear a mask or face covering in three scenarios (1) congregating with one another when social distancing is not possible, (2) congregational singing, and (3) when in transit throughout the building.

SOCIAL DISTANCING: We have set up the worship center to be socially distanced by family. As you find a seat, we assure you that there is no place that you will not be at least 6 feet from the next person, or 12 feet from our unmasked worship team on the platform. We ask that you would do your best to maintain social distance at all times, especially if you are unmasked.

SANITIZING: We have hand sanitizer stations throughout the main lobby for your convenience. We also are cleaning often touched surfaces between services for your safety.

EXPOSURE TRACING: We’re doing our best to keep tabs on who attends our services in order to inform them in the event that someone is Covid positive. We will not provide this information to any government entity, nor will we ever share who the Covid positive person is (for privacy). This allows us to stay safe while letting each individual make their own decision regarding quarantine, etc.

TEMPERATURE CHECKS: We do not require temperature checks for folks in attendance. However, we temperature check each of our volunteers each Sunday morning to ensure that we have the safest environment we could possibly have.

We believe the Church is called by Christ to gather. As we do so, we are endeavoring to do so in a way that honors and loves Christ first, and one another. Love God. Love People. Be safe.

August 18, 2020

In-Person Services Survey

Hi church!

We are in the planning stages with the executive and leadership team about in-person worship services at the new building . All the plans depend on completion of the sanctuary and fire-code items from the town.  We encourage you to continue to meet in smaller groups for watch parties and fellowship.  

The goal for in-person worship is one single service and we are praying that this happens soon.  Currently the need for COVID social distancing will keep us in multiple services. This is where we need your input and help so we can avoid a formal sign up process for weekly services.

  • Will you be attending in person services when we open and which service, 8:30AM or 10:30 AM? We realize this may change and that is OK.

Things you need to know for reopening in person services:

  • On-line services will be streamed at the 10:30 service

  • All volunteers and leadership will have their temperature taken before serving for the day and will not attend if they are ill.

  • Chairs will be switched out or ‘fog’ disinfected between services. 

  • Sanitation stations will be available throughout the building.

  • Please wear a mask, if you are able, for entrance into the building and singing. Maintain social distancing once seated with your family group. Masks can be removed while seated and distanced.

  • Restrooms will be properly disinfected following CDC guidelines.

  • Childcare will not be available - services will be family integrated with a kids moment before the sermon.

Here at GVC we are praying for the Holy Spirit to do great works in all of us and in our community. Our example to be personally responsible in our community for ourselves and families is vital to GVC moving forward with the message of Jesus. We can all be involved in our mission while promoting the safest worship environment possible.  

Please help us plan by submitting the form below.

If you have any questions, please call Robin Peiczarka @ 860-942-4183 or email  We are so looking forward to moving forward with our mission of bringing Jesus to our community.

June 12, 2020

“Re-Opening” GVC

With the gradual opening of the state of Connecticut, we wanted to update you on where GVC stands on “reopening” the church. 

First, it is our conviction that we never “closed.” We simply have not gathered in large groups since the beginning of stay-at-home orders. Therefore, we are not “re-opening” the church, but rather we are moving toward “re-gathering” the church, which might take a great deal of time before we return to normal, or pre-covid procedures. 

In these matters, we will love our neighbors well by continuing to follow the state of Connecticut’s guidelines for the health and safety of all, even when it’s inconvenient or we feel it’s unnecessary.


Green Valley Crossing is hoping to “re-gather” the church for contactless worship officially sometime around mid-August. We wish we could do it sooner, but our re-gathering will be delayed. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Our current leased building (95 Front St) will only facilitate 20-25 people total for in-person, socially distanced services when following the governor’s current 25% capacity guidelines. That would mean we would need to facilitate 6 services every weekend if everyone attends. This is simply not sustainable.

  • Before COVID-19 hit, the executive committee decided to vacate the facility anyway, saving the church from paying double rent/mortgage and utilities during the time we would be building out the new facility. Vacating our current facility is good stewardship.

  • We do not have space to facilitate outdoor gatherings at 95 Front Street, so we would not be utilizing that facility, even if we gathered outdoors. Moreover, it was recently (re)discovered that the town of Putnam has an ordinance on the books that outdoor performances of music are not allowed except for official town sponsored events. I did have a brief conversation with the mayor about this, and he recognizes that the ordinance needs some work with the current situation. Alas, we would not be permitted to facilitate outdoor worship within the special services district. NOTE: This is not unfair persecution – it’s an ordinance for all outdoor performances and doesn’t single the church out. 

  • Pastor Riley is soon to go on paternity leave and the church will be without pastoral leadership for a minimum of 30 days (more than likely the month of July). Care for the body will rest on the shoulders of the deacons during that time.

  • Spaces to gather large crowds are few and far between in these times. Thus far the school is not an option.

It is our hope that another six weeks will give enough time for us to be able to gather in a rented/borrowed meeting space. The executive team is exploring those options and will update the church as the process of reopening the state continues.



Small groups are now permitted to meet, so long as they follow the governor’s guidelines, as well as all CDC guidelines.

  • Currently small groups in homes do not meet the governor’s religious exemption. Therefore, they shall not have more than 10 total persons if meeting indoors, 25 total persons if meeting outside. Those numbers include children.

  • Full guidelines can be found at:

  • We’re asking that each group think through how to best love and serve those who do not yet feel comfortable meeting in person. They should have an intentional strategy and plan. The last thing we want or need in this case is to exclude part of our body by celebrating our Christian freedom.*

  • Each small group will determine how they wish to handle children in their care. We recognize the guidelines are vague when it comes to children. We feel it’s best to let each parent determine their level of comfort when it comes to their children’s safety. 


 If you are missing gathering with others on Sunday mornings for worship, you could personally gather with a small group of people you trust. Other churches are calling these gatherings, “Watch Parties.” While we’re not officially stating you should or should not do this, you certainly can. It is permissible.

Back-Yard fellowship. Grab some lawn chairs, gather with people you trust around a fire-pit, eat some good food, get someone to come lead some songs…have a great time! Just follow those guidelines: No more than 10 indoors, 25 outdoors, and follow the guidelines!



In 1 Cor 10:23-33, the Apostle Paul gives a great word that is applicable for us in this time. It has to do with Christian freedom and conscience. Essentially, “All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful, nor do all things build up.” Every person at GVC is given freedom in Christ to meet together as friends, not wear masks, not social distance, etc. However, there are some within our body that are still struggling with where we stand in the pandemic, have underlying health conditions, etc. Paul’s scenario is this (paraphrasing verses 28-29): If you sit down at a table and someone can’t have a clean conscience eating what you’re serving, the most loving thing for you to do is not partake. This applies to a host of things in our day and age: If someone has a conscience issue with drinking alcohol, the most loving thing to do would be to abstain from alcohol when you’re having dinner with them. If someone near you has a conscience issue with a certain genre of music, then the loving thing would be to turn off the music until you part company. 

We are free to meet. But each individual must decide for themselves: (a) what am I personally convicted of in this scenario, and (b) what is to be my course of action in Christian love toward those who do not have the same conviction as me? Paul’s Scriptural mandate: “Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor,” and “do all for the glory of God.” (vs 24, 31).


In this season, GVC’s official position is: We’re not re-gathering the entire church till things open up a bit further and risks are more mitigated than they are currently. We’re empowering each individual within the church to make their own decision as to whether to attend a small gathering of people, or continue in online formats. Each small group should make intentional plans to love and serve the most vulnerable among them. In all things, let each not seek their own freedom over another, and make every decision in this season to the glory of God alone. 

This plan is subject to change at any moment due to another COVID outbreak in eastern CT, small gatherings of GVC not following guidelines, etc. Updates will be posted at

March 17, 2020

Dear Beloved:

Earlier this week a small portion of the saints who call Green Valley Crossing their home gathered in worship and prayer at the church while the rest joined us online; this was an incredible encouragement to one another and the leadership of our church in these strange and trying times. First and foremost, we must remember that our Sovereign God is in control and calls His church to proclaim the gospel every day. You did well, church. 

On Monday morning, the Elders decided to suspend in-person worship gatherings and small groups indefinitely. We will continue to revisit and remain compliant with all local and national health recommendations in the coming weeks. We will update the church body of any further action as necessary. 

After a few days of consulting with other leadership within the church about moving ministry forward in a safe way, we have the following logistics to share with you: 

  • At this time, we WILL broadcast songs and preaching online at 10:30am on Sundays. More information on how to access this will be published later this week.

  • Small Groups are allowed to meet via online platforms only.

  • The church building will be closed to everyone without an appointment and staff will be available on a limited basis for in-person meetings. Further precautions regarding building cleanliness will be addressed within the season of closure to ensure a safe re-opening.

  • We will continue to provide multiple resources (including trusted and encouraging articles) at

  • If you are in need of assistance of any kind, please reach out to one of our deacons or pastors. These are not times to be going at things alone OR attempting to push through without reaching out for help. We welcome the opportunity to serve one another in times of distress.

  • Prayer continues to be a vital ministry. You can submit prayer requests online at 

  • There are three easy ways to continue your regular worship of giving during this time:

  1. Give online via our website 

  2. Give online via Facebook’s “Donate” button on (**no fees are associated with Facebook giving, however funds cannot be designated )

  3. Send a check via USPS to PO Box 927, Putnam, CT 06260

A quick word on financial giving during this period, providing for our personnel and Kingdom work will be at risk if we do not remember to give our tithes and offerings. Additionally, we anticipate a great need for our Compassion Ministry to provide for those who will soon experience economic hardship due to the current events. You have always been generous in this effort and GVC is committed to Putnam and Greater NECT. We ask you, the saints, to remain benevolent in your giving. If giving via our website, you may wish to select the option “Compassion Ministry” to designate funds above and beyond your regular tithes and offerings. 

We love you, church. As the apostles said in their letters time and time again, we long to see you and gather with you once again. Until then, let’s devote ourselves to even more prayer and the preaching of Good News. Let’s pray for the ill, healthcare workers on the front lines, those affected by the down economy, teachers/students/families, government leaders making hard decisions, and especially for a quick resolution to this pandemic. May God shine His light brightly through you and us in this season. 

For the glory of Jesus, 

Pastor Joshua, on behalf of the Elders


An important message from The Northeast District Department of Health (NDDH):

The coronavirus (COVID-19) situation continues to evolve rapidly and as a result, information and guidance change frequently. On March 10, 2020, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont announced Public Health and Civil Preparedness Emergencies, effective through September 9, 2020. While the term “emergency” can raise concern for people, please know that there is no cause for panic. The declaration of these emergencies allows additional resources and supplies to be deployed to the state of Connecticut – resources that are necessary to identify infection and slow the spread of coronavirus in our communities.

To date, NDDH has been maintaining situational awareness through weekly teleconferences with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the CT Department of Public Health (DPH). We are conducting countless activities related to preparedness and communicating regularly with town leaders and community partners.

While we cannot predict the impact of COVID-19 with great certainty, we can assure you that there are many trusted and experienced community partners in our public health system working together to protect our communities. We are grateful for these partnerships.

Below are some categorized key points and links to resources. It is a comprehensive list. Please read through to the end:

Practice Everyday Preventive Actions Now 

Practice and remind others of the importance of using everyday preventive actions that can help prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses. Yes, these are simple strategies and they work:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.

  • Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue. Throw the tissue in a lined trash container.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Germs spread this way.

  • Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects daily (e.g., tables, countertops, light switches, doorknobs, and cabinet handles) using a regular household detergent and water.

    • If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent and water prior to disinfection. For disinfection, a list of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved products is available at Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Fighting Products. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Always wash your hands with soap and water if your hands are visibly dirty.

  • Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious foods.

  • Get an annual flu shot…and future vaccines that are developed to fight new communicable illnesses.

Decisions Regarding Cancellation or Postponement of Events and Activities 

As of March 10, 2020, there are NO confirmed cases of COVID-19 in northeast Connecticut but we can expect that to change. We are watching for signs that the disease will swell and require social distancing measures such as school closures or cancellation of public events. Since these measures are very disruptive, they should be implemented based on timely assessment of the evolving situation. 

Decision-makers should take common sense steps regarding event cancellation or postponement and make decisions on a case-by-case basis based on their specific situation, event space, target audience, and the ability of community partners, staff, volunteers, and attendees to participate or attend.

On March 9, 2020, Governor Lamont notified Executive Branch agency employees of actions that will be implemented to prevent the spread of coronavirus. At this time, these actions apply only to CT state employees but can be used as a framework for decision-making:

  • Any state of Connecticut-organized large meetings, conferences or gatherings that are anticipated to have over 100 people in attendance between now and April 30 will be evaluated to determine if the events should move to teleconference or be postponed.

  • For events or meetings with large numbers of people within arm’s length of each other, encourage those who are at higher risk due to age (70 or older); those with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or chronic lung diseases like COPD, as well as those with severely weakened immune systems, to dial in to participate or not attend.

Governor Lamont: “While these actions may feel overly disruptive to some given the very few cases we’ve seen so far in Connecticut, I believe they are appropriate to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and I’m encouraging all employers in Connecticut to take similar actions.” 

Key Messages

  • People without symptoms should not be tested for COVID-19. Testing individuals with no symptoms is not recommended by CDC.

  • If you were with someone who does not have symptoms, the risk of transmission is very low.

  • There are many respiratory illnesses circulating in Connecticut, such as the flu and the common cold. Having respiratory symptoms DOES NOT mean that you have COVID-19.

  • People are at higher risk for COVID-19 if they have symptoms of the virus (cough, fever, shortness of breath) AND if they were in contact with a positive case of COVID-19 or have traveled to locations with community transmission.

  • Someone is considered a contact if they have had direct, face-to-face contact with a person with COVID-19.

  • People who are severely ill or think they have COVID-19 should call their healthcare provider for instructions. These people SHOULD NOT go directly to a healthcare facility without first calling a healthcare provider (unless they are experiencing a medical emergency). 

  • People sick with mild symptoms of respiratory illness should stay home to take care of themselves and stay away from others. This includes distancing themselves from people in their household and vehicles. 

  • Our local health care systems are preparing for what could be a surge in patients. That means the ability to access emergency care may start to change in the coming weeks and months. Learn more with Day Kimball Healthcare’s Drs. John Graham, Marc Cerrone and Infection Preventionist Sarah Healy on the WINY Morning Show:

  • Hospitals, clinics, health centers, medical groups, and other healthcare systems are enhancing their efforts to screen and care for people. This may include screening patients outside before you enter the building. Follow instructions on all posted signage.

  • Connecticut nursing homes have been directed by the CT DPH to impose restrictions on all visitors, except when a current health state (e.q. end-of-life care) is in question.

Be Ready by Being Informed - Resources to Post and Share with Others

CDC Coronavirus website (main page). Lots of exceptional resources here: 

Communication resources such as fact sheets and posters:

Guidance for homes, communities, schools, businesses, and more:

Recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting:

Information for Connecticut residents:


Individuals who have general questions that are not answered on the website can also call 2-1-1 for assistance. The information line is available 24 hours a day and has multilingual assistance and TDD/TTY access for those with a hearing impairment. The hotline is only intended to be used by individuals who are not experiencing symptoms but may have general questions related to COVID-19. Anyone experiencing symptoms is strongly urged to contact their medical provider to seek treatment.


CT DPH website - Including Behavioral Health resources for coping with stress and talking with children during infectious disease outbreaks:


NDDH page, which has the main links for all of the resources above:


Thank you for your public health partnership as we work together to protect our communities.



Linda J. Colangelo
Education and Communications Coordinator
Northeast District Department of Health (NDDH)
69 South Main Street, Unit 4
Brooklyn, CT 06234
860-774-7350 x. 114
860-774-1308 (fax)
860-450-2245 (cell)