Hey Green Valley Crossing - I have a lot of thoughts concerning the report that recently came out about sexual abuse in the executive committee of the Southern Baptist Convention. Too many to write here. It's heartbreaking what I read. I am mad. Angry. Sad... Yet, I am glad the truth is finally out and we can move forward. We are one church in a network of churches who are crying out for justice for the victims, and I am supporting the creation of a registry of disqualified men who should never be allowed to serve in any ministry capacity in our churches. If you've been convicted of sexual abuse, you're biblically disqualified from ministry (1 Tim 3:2). That's not legalism or unforgiveness...that's wisdom and the consequences of sin. I also want to let you know that I am here to answer any questions you might have and to help you process the news. While it's bad news, it's also a good thing - any time sin is exposed the darkness loses power. We will continue to move the mission forward. I still believe we can achieve more together. Finally, if you've been a victim of abuse, I am here for you. I stand with you, and I pray that GVC is a place of healing for you.
Pastor Riley
If you have no idea what I'm talking about... here you go: Christianity Today - Southern Baptists Refused to Act on Abuse, Despite Secret List of Pastors